Brief Procedure Descriptions
Breast Reduction > Learn more
(Reduction Mammoplasty)
Reduce size of enlarged breasts. Also produces a "lifting" of drooping breast tissue. In many instances, but not all, insurance will cover this procedure.
3 to 4 hours.
Usually overnight hospital stay.
Side Effects:
Temporary soreness, swelling, bruising numbness and pain.
Infection, asymmetry, fluid collection, excessive scarring, skin or fat necrosis.
Back to work : 7-10 days. More strenuous activity 2-3 weeks.
Duration of Results:
Permanent with stable weight. Possible re-enlargement with pregnancy and breast feeding. There will be normal changes with aging.
Breast Augmentation > Learn more
(Breast Enlargement/Mammoplasty)
Procedure: Enhance the size of breasts using inflatable implants filled with saline.
Length: 1 to 2 hours.
Anesthesia: General.
In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient.
Side Effects: Temporary soreness, swelling, change in nipple sensation, bruising. Breast sensitive to stimulation for a few weeks.
Risks: Lack of implant permanence—surgical removal or replacement of the implants may be required to treat problems, including: deflation; the formation of scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture), which may cause the breast to feel tight or hard; bleeding or infection. Increase or decrease in sensitivity of nipples or breast skin, occasionally permanent. Mammography requires a special technique. (Note: Some women have reported symptoms similar to those of immune disorders. Ask your doctor about these and other FDA concerns.)
Back to work : a few days. Physical contact with breasts : 3 to 4 weeks. Fading of scars: several months to a year or more.
Duration of Results: Variable. Implants may require removal or replacement.
Breast Lift > Learn more
Procedure: Raise and reshape sagging breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning remaining tissue and nipples. Some patients may require augmentation with breast implants for optimum results.
Length: 1 to 3 hours.
Anesthesia: General.
In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient. Sometimes inpatient.
Side Effects: Temporary bruising, swelling, discomfort, numbness, dry breast skin. Permanent scars.
Risks: Thick, wide scars; skin loss; infection. Unevenly positioned nipples. Permanent loss of feeling in nipples or breast.
Recovery: Back to work: 1 week or more. Strenuous activities : 1 month. Fading of scars: several months to a year.
Duration of Results: Variable; gravity, pregnancy, aging, and weight changes may cause new sagging. Results may last longer or be enhanced when breast implants are inserted as part of the procedure.
Procedures at a glance:
Breast Reconstruction > Learn more
(Post Mastectomy)
Recreate breast/s after mastectomy, using implants or native tissue.
2-4 hours.
Usually overnight stay.
Side Effects:
Temporary soreness, swelling, change in nipple sensation, or totally absent nipple, bruising.
Lack of implant permanence -- surgical removal or replacement of the implants may be required to treat problems, including: deflation; the formation of scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture), which may cause the breast to feel tight or hard; bleeding or infection. Increase or decrease in sensitivity of nipples or breast skin, occasionally permanent. Some women have reported symptoms similar to those of immune disorders, discuss Breast implant Related Illness (BII) and ALCL (Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma) with your doctor to understand FDA concerns.
Back to work :2-3 weeks. Physical contact with breasts and vigorous physical activity: 3 to 6 weeks.
Duration of Results:
Revisions may be required and some reconstruction is done in a staged fashion. Final reconstructions can last for years.
COSMETIC SURGERY: Procedures at a glance
Abdominoplasty > Learn more
(Tummy Tuck)
Flatten abdomen by removing excess fat and skin and tightening muscles of abdominal wall.
2 to 5 hours.
Either depending on individual circumstances and extent of surgery.
Side Effects:
Temporary pain. Swelling, soreness, numbness of abdominal skin, bruising, tiredness for several weeks.
Blood clots. Infection. Bleeding under the skin flap. Poor healing resulting in conspicuous scarring or skin loss. Need for a second operation.
Back to work: 2 to 4 weeks. More strenuous activity: 4 to 6 weeks or more. Fading and flattening of scars: 3 months to 2 years.
Duration of Results:
Permanent with stable weight. Possible re-enlargement weight gain and stretching with pregnancy.
Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) > Learn more
(Upper arm lift)
Raise and reshape sagging upper arms by removing excess skin and fat. Some patients may require extra liposuction for optimum results.
1 to 3 hours.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary bruising, swelling, discomfort, numbness, Permanent scars.
Thick, wide scars (rare but possible); infection, blood or fluid collection, healing problems.
Back to work: 1-2 weeks. Compression garment for 2-3 months. Walking outside 1 week. Strenuous activities: 1 month. Fading of scars: several months to a year.
Duration of Results:
Years if not permanent, with maintenance of stable weight.
Non-invasive Contouring > Learn more
(Non-Surgical Body Contouring)
Reduce enlarged areas of fat that just don’t go away with diet and exercise. Radiofrequency technology used to heat and kill fat cells, which your body will absorb over 2-3 months with improvement in contour.
½ to several hours depending on number of sites treated.
None needed.
Treatments done in the office.
Side Effects:
Mild temporary soreness that resolves in a day or two and occasionally mild redness that also resolves in 3-4 days.
Need for second or third procedure to remove additional tissue.
Back to work: same day. No activity restrictions.
Duration of Results:
Permanent with maintenance of weight and continued exercise.
Circumferential Body Lift > Learn more
(Circumferential body contouring)
Flatten abdomen by removing excess fat and skin and tightening muscles of abdominal wall, and removal of excess skin and fat from the lower back, waist, upper buttock and lateral thighs.
6-8 hours.
Either depending on individual circumstances and extent of surgery one or two night stay in the hospital.
Side Effects:
Temporary pain. Swelling, soreness, numbness of abdominal, back and sides subcutaneous tissue, bruising, tiredness for several weeks.
You may require a blood transfusion (autologous donation), Blood clots. Infection. Bleeding under the skin flap, or collection of clear fluid (seroma).
Back to work: 3-4 weeks. Compression garment for 2-3 months Walking outside 1 week. More strenuous activity: 4 to 6 weeks. Fading and flattening of scars: 3 months to 1 years.
Duration of Results:
Permanent with stable weight. Possible re-enlargement weight gain and stretching with further pregnancy.
Fractional C02 Skin Resurfacing > Learn more
(Moderately invasive treatment for drooping facial skin and moderate wrinkles)
Reduce the physical consequences of aging and sun damage to facial skin, sagging skin, wrinkles and brown spots. Heat created by Laser technology is used to mildly damage the skin and tissues under to skin to encourage new collagen to form, tightening and smoothing the skin.
1-2 hour per treatment. Results last 2-5 years and may need repeat treatment to maintain optimum results. Can be combined with neurotoxin and filler treatment.
Topical anesthesia.
Treatments done in the office.
Side Effects:
Moderate temporary soreness that resolves in a 1-2 weeks. This is an aggressive skin treatment. Significant redness that may take as long as a month to resolve. Initial “weeping” of the facial skin that will resolve in 4-5 days
Swelling, discomfort, drainage and prolonged healing. This treatment can cause cold sore to appear, if you have cold sores, let us know and you will be started on antiviral medication.
Back to work 1- 2 weeks. No vigorous physical activity for a week or until bruising and mild edema has resolved.
Duration of Results:
3-5 years with good skin care, sun protection and maintenance of good nutrition and stable weight
Correct drooping upper eyelids because you don't like they way they look (as opposed to being medically necessary because they are affecting your field of vision).
1 to 3 hours.
Usually local with sedation or general.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary discomfort, tightness of lids, swelling, bruising. Temporary dryness, burning, itching of eyes. Excessive tearing, sensitivity to light for first few weeks.
Temporary blurred or double vision. Infection, bleeding. Swelling at the corners of the eyelids. Dry eyes..
Reading: 1-2 days. Back to work: 7 to 10 days. Contact lenses: two weeks or more. Strenuous activities, alcohol: about 3 weeks. Bruising and swelling gone: about 2 weeks.
Duration of Results:
Years if not permanent.
Improving sagging facial skin, jowls, and loose neck skin by removing excess fat, tightening muscles, redraping skin. Most often done on men and women over 40.
Several hours.
Some patients may require short inpatient stay.
Side Effects:
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of skin; tight feeling, dry skin.
Injury to the nerves that control facial muscles or feeling (usually temporary but may be permanent). Infection, bleeding. Potential healing problems
Back to work: 10 to 14 days. Walking outside 1 week. More strenuous activity: 3-4 weeks or more. Bruising: 2 to 3 weeks. Must limit exposure to sun for several months.
Duration of Results:
Usually 5-10 years with stable weight, good skin care and sun avoidance
Transfer of fat from abdominal or thighs to fill facial area creases. Also, to augment areas such as cheek bones. Can be done on other body areas such as back of the hands.
1-4 hours depending on extent of areas treated. May require repeat treatment.
Local or general.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary aching, pain, or stinging, bruising and swelling.
Infection, contour irregularities, poor "take" of graft with sub-optimal results
1-2 weeks, depending on area treated and volume required
Duration of Results:
Fat that "takes" is permanent.
Minimize forehead creases, drooping eyebrows, hooding over eyes, furrowed forehead and frown lines by removing excess tissue, altering muscles and tightening the forehead skin. May be done using the traditional technique, with an incision across the top of the head just behind the hairline; or with the use of an endoscope, which requires 3 to 5 short incisions. Most often done on people over 40.
2 hours.
Local with sedation, or general.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary swelling, numbness, headaches, bruising. Traditional method: Possible itching and hair loss.
Injury to facial nerve, causing loss of motion, muscle weakness, or asymmetrical look. Infection. Visible scarring.
Back to work: 7 to 10 days, usually sooner for endoscopic forehead lift. More strenuous activity: several weeks. Full recovery from bruising: 2 to 3 weeks. Limit sun exposure for several months.
Duration of Results:
Usually 5 to 10 years.
Gynecomastia Surgery > Learn more
(Male breast reduction)
Reduce enlarged, female-like breast in men using liposuction and/or excising excess glandular tissue.
1-2 hours or more.
General or local.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, burning sensation.
Infection. Fluid accumulation. Injury to the skin. Rippling or bagginess of skin. Asymmetry. Need for second procedure to remove additional tissue.
Back to work: 3 to 7 days. More strenuous activity: 2 to 3 weeks Bruising 1-2 weeks and swelling 1-3 months.
Duration of Results:
Liposuction/Body Contouring > Learn more
(Suction-Assisted Lipectomy)
Improve body shape by removing exercise-resistant fat deposits with a cannula and vacuum device. Performed using the tumescent technique, in which targeted fat cells are infused with saline containing solution with a local anesthetic and epinephrine before liposuction, to reduce post-operative bruising and swelling. Common locations for liposuction include neck, upper arms, above breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles.
1 to 3 hours or more depending on number of sites and volume.
Usually outpatient. Extensive procedures may require short inpatient stay.
Side Effects:
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, burning sensation. Tumescent: Temporary fluid drainage from incision sites.
Asymmetry. Rippling or bagginess and wrinkling of skin that doesn’t shrink completely. Infection.
Back to work: 1 to 2 weeks. More strenuous activity: 2 to 4 weeks. Full recovery from swelling and bruising: 1 to 6 months or more. Use of tumescent technique may decrease post-operative bruising and swelling.
Duration of Results:
Permanent, with sensible diet and exercise.
(Neck tightening)
Improving sagging neck skin by removing excess fat, tightening muscles, redraping skin along lower jaw line and neck.
2-3 hours
Some patients may require short inpatient stay.
Side Effects:
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of skin; tight feeling.
Infection, bleeding or hematoma. Poor healing
Compression garment for 2-3 weeks. Back to work: 10 to 14 days. Outside walking 1 week. More strenuous activity: 3-4 weeks or more. Bruising: 2 to 3 weeks. Must limit exposure to sun for several months.
Duration of Results:
Usually 5 to 10 years with stable weight, good skin care and sun avoidance
(Outer ear surgery)
Set prominent ears back closer to the head or reduce the size of large ears. Most often done on children between the ages of 4 and 14 years. Easily performed on adults as well.
2 to 3 hours.
Young children: usually general. Older children or adults: general or local, with sedation.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary throbbing, aching, swelling, redness, numbness.
Infection of cartilage. Excessive scarring. Blood clot that may need to be drained. Mismatched or artificial- looking ears. Recurrence of the protrusion, requiring repeat surgery.
Back to work or school: 5 to 7 days. Strenuous activity, contact sports: 1 to 2 months.
Duration of Results:
Usually permanent.
Medial Thigh Lift > Learn more
(Thigh lift)
Raise and reshape sagging thighs by removing excess skin and fat. Some patients may require extra liposuction for optimum results.
1 to 3 hours.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary bruising, swelling, discomfort, numbness, Permanent scars.
Thick, wide scars (rare but possible); infection, blood or fluid collection, healing problems.
Back to work: 2-3 weeks. Compression garment for 2-3 months. Walking outside 1 week. Strenuous activities:4-6 weeks. Fading of scars: several months to a year.
Duration of Results:
Years if not permanent, with maintenance of stable weight
ADVANCED SKIN PROCEDURES: Procedures at a glance
FotoFacial™ Skin Treatment > Learn more
(Pulse light therapy - ELOS (electro optical synergy))
A series of 5-6 topical treatments done in the office. Corrects sun damage, brown patches (hyperpigmentation) and diffuses tiny veins (telangiectasia). Improves Roseacea, tightens skin and reduces wrinkles combined with microdermabrasia and facial cream products.
1/2 to 1 hour x 5 treatments.
None required.
In-office procedure
Side Effects:
Slight discomfort which resolves at end of treatment. Mild redness, slight swelling with deeper treatments.
Superficial burns (rare), temporary photosensitivity.
Back to work : same day.
Duration of Results:
Depends on skin type and lifestyle. Will require maintenance about 3-4 times a year.
Microneedling > Learn more
(With or without PRP (Platelet rich plasma))
High speed, tiny needles mechanically creating microscopic holes throught the skin surface into underlying dermis. Treatment stimulates the influx of collegen and new blood vessels into the skin to soften and tighten skin and improve the fullness and radiance of the skin. Softens fine wrinkles and generally smooths the skin.
1-1.5 hours. We recommend 3 treatments over a year to reach maximum results then yearly maintenance.
Topical numbing cream.
Treatment done in the office.
Side Effects:
Temporary tingling, burning, itching, swelling, redness which resolve within 2-3 days. Important to protect treated skin from the sun and maintain good skin care for optimum results
Tiny whiteheads (temporary); flare-up of skin allergies, cold sores, if you have a history of cold sores, you will be pretreated with an antiviral to prevent outbreak..
Back to work: 2-3days. Activity at tolerated. Will take 1-2 months to see major improvement.
Duration of Results:
About 1 year. Maintenance treatments required along with good skin care and sun protection.
Sublative Skin Rejuvenation > Learn more
(Superficially invasive treatment to smooth skin and treat mild wrinkles and acne scars)
Reduce the physical consequences of aging and sun damage to facial skin,brown spots, mild scars, wrinkles. Heat created by focused energy currents are applied to the skin in a matrix, bypassing upper layers of the skin and stimulating the natural production of collagen at the source.
1 hour per treatment. For optimum results, three treatments are advised 4-6 weeks apart. Can be combined with neurotoxin and filler treatment.
None needed.
Treatments done in the office.
Side Effects:
Mild temporary soreness that resolves in -2 days. Generally, no swelling or redness. Can return to all activities immediately
This treatment can cause cold sore to appear, if you have cold sores, let us know and you will be started on antiviral medication. You may need a second treatment in 6 months to a year to optimize improvement
Back to all activities immediately.
Duration of Results:
1-2 years with good skin care, sun protection and maintenance of good nutrition and stable weight. Repeat treatments will be needed to maintain improvement.
Ultherapy > Learn more
(Non-invasive treatment for mild drooping facial skin and mild wrinkles)
Reduce the physical consequences of aging and sun damage to facial skin, sagging skin, wrinkles. Heat created by Ultrasound technology is used to mildly damage tissues under to skin to encourage new collagen to form, tightening and smoothing the skin.
1-2 hour per treatment. Results last 2-3 years and may need repeat treatment to maintain optimum results. Can be combined with neurotoxin and filler treatment.
None needed. You will be instructed to take over the counter pain meds before treatment
Treatments done in the office.
Side Effects:
Mild temporary soreness that resolves in 3-5 days. Generally no swelling or redness. Can return to all activities immediately
This treatment can cause cold sore to appear, if you have cold sores, let us know and you will be started on antiviral medication. You may need a second treatment in 6 months to a year to optimize improvement
Back to all activities immediately.
Duration of Results:
2-3 years with good skin care, sun protection and maintenance of good nutrition and stable weight. Repeat treatments will be needed to maintain improvement.
RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY: Procedures at a glance
Moles and Birthmarks > Learn more
Remove abnormal lesions, generally in office or Ambulatory Surgery Center
½ to 1 hour.
Return home immediately after procedure
Side Effects:
Temporary soreness, swelling, bruising numbness and pain.
Infection, fluid collection, scarring.
Back to work: 1-2 days. More strenuous activity 1-2 weeks.
Duration of Results:
Skin Cancer > Learn more
(Basal cell, Squamous cell or Melanoma)
Remove abnormal lesions, generally in office or Ambulatory Surgery Center
½ to 2 hours, depending on required procedures.
Local anesthesia, may need sedation or general anesthesia
Return home after procedure.
Side Effects:
Temporary soreness, swelling, bruising numbness and pain.
Infection, fluid collection, scarring, possible return of skin cancer
Back to work : 1-7 days. More strenuous activity 1-2 weeks.
Duration of Results:
Permanent for that area, but patient can develop other skin cancer areas
Levulan Light Therapy/Actinic Keratosis > Learn more
(Sun damaged skin/pre-skin cancer)
Remove abnormal lesions, generally in office, may use Cryotherapy (Liquid Nitrogen) or Levulan ALA/PDT treatment
½-2 hours.
None or local anesthesia
Home after procedure.
Side Effects:
Temporary soreness, swelling, mild redness, bruising numbness and minimal pain.
Skin irritation for several days.
Back to work: 1 day. More strenuous activity 1-2 days.
Duration of Results:
Depends on good skin care and use of sunscreen, and sun avoidance as much as possible
ALA/PDT Treatment
(Aminolevulinic acid with photodynamic therapy/blue light)
Remove abnormal lesions by threating them with a medication topically, the ALA, which is absorbed into abnormal cells and makes them susceptible to the light treatment that destroys the abnormal cells. We treat the whole face as there are often abnormal cells that are not visually present on the skin surface.
1 hour incubation of the medication. 10-16 minutes treatment under the light, depending on the patients' skin
None needed
Home after procedure.
Side Effects:
Temporary burning like a sun burn, mild swelling, mild redness.
Skin irritation for several days.
Back to work: immediate or 2-3 days. No limitation to activities, although we suggest you avoid sun for at least 48 hours.
Duration of Results:
Generally 3 treatments a month apart are need to reach optimum results. The series may need to be repeated at a later date, depending on good skin care and use of sunscreen, and sun avoidance as much as possible.
Eyelid Surgery for Visual Field Defect > Learn more
Correct drooping upper eyelids by skin removal only (Upper-eyelid surgery may be covered by insurance if used to correct visual field defects)
1 to 1.5 hours.
Usually locally with sedation or general if patient prefers.
Usually outpatient.
Side Effects:
Temporary discomfort, tightness of lids, swelling, bruising. Temporary dryness, burning, itching of eyes. Excessive tearing, sensitivity to light for first few weeks.
Temporary blurred or double vision. Infection, bleeding. Swelling at the corners of the eyelids. Dry eyes. Formation of whiteheads. Slight asymmetry in healing or scarring. Difficulty in closing eyes completely (rarely permanent). Pulling down of the lower lids (may require further surgery). Blindness (extremely rare).
Reading: 2 or 3 days. Back to work: 7 to 10 days. Contact lenses: two weeks or more. Strenuous activities, alcohol: about 3 weeks. Bruising and swelling gone: several weeks.
Duration of Results:
Many years. Often permanent.
Wound Care > Learn more
(Chronic or traumatic wounds)
If you have a wound that has not healed, consider seeking help from Dr. Sasmor, Medical Director of the Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center at Anna Jaques Hospital. Our state of the art evaluation and treatments facilitate healing of wound that have been present from weeks to years.
Visits are generally for ½ to 1 hour. Weeks to months may be required to reach full healing. This depends on the patients’ medical problems and the cause of the wounds.
Usually topical. However, if surgical procedures needed may require general anesthesia.
Treatments done in the wound center or occasionally the office.
Side Effects:
Mild temporary soreness that resolves in -2 days. Activity may be limited based on your wound problem
Wounds can get infected, even with the best of treatments. They can get worse before they get better and occasionally other surgical procedures with be suggested to improve your ability to heal.
Weeks to months depending on medical status and type of wound.
Duration of Results:
Again, depending on medical status and type of wound. Our goal is to keep patients wound free once the current wound/wounds are addressed. We provide teaching in all aspects of wound care, including activity, diet/nutrition, control of edema and all other aspects of self care.
Hyperbaric Therapy > Learn more
(Chronic or traumatic wounds)
Hyperbaric medicine is a medical treatment that involves the delivery of 100% oxygen at greater than atmospheric (sea level) pressure. This increased the amount of oxygen that can be carried by the blood, enabling the oxygen to reach areas that are deprived of good oxygen supply, In this case oxygen is a “drug” used to stimulate wound healing by increasing ingrowth of new blood vessels in areas of the body affected by poor circulation. Hyperbaric oxygen helps to decrease inflammation, strengthens the immune system, stimulates white blood cells and reduces swelling. Improved immune function works synergistically with antibiotics to treat infection. Hyperbaric treatment is available at the Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center at Anna Jaques Hospital. Our state-of-the-art evaluation will determine if Hyperbaric therapy will help heal your wounds.
Each Hyperbaric treatment lasts 90 minutes. The patient is generally in the clinic about 3 hours a day. 30 treatments (6weeks) or more, may be required to reach full healing.
Treatments done in the Wound and Hyperbaric Center at AJH.
Side Effects:
Mild visual changes can occur that resolve when treatments are completed.
Will be discussed with your by the wound center nurse and physician if hyperbaric treatment is deemed appropriate to treat your wound.
Approximately 30 treatments are required.
Duration of Results:
Our goal is to keep patients wound free once the current wound/wounds are addressed. We provide teaching in all aspects of wound care, including activity, diet/nutrition, control of edema and all other aspects of self-care.